You Want to Help. We Want to Make it Easy. A Simple Gesture is a door-to-door food collection program that will provide a steady supply of food to the neediest families in Norwell…with your help.
Next pick up – Saturday, February 8, 2025
3 Simple Steps to help the Norwell Food Pantry through A Simple Gesture: (Pre- and post-CoVid-19)
- Each week when you go shopping, buy one extra non-perishable food item.
- Store it in your cool, green bag.
- On the second Saturday of every other month (check actual dates at bottom of our page), a volunteer driver will pick up the bag from your doorstep, leave an empty cool green bag in its place, and take the filled bag to the Norwell Food Pantry.
It’s that simple. You buy one extra non-perishable food item when you shop; we take care of the rest.
How to join and help A Simple Gesture – Norwell
Tell us who you are, where you live, and email so we can remind you: Sign up now! We’ll deliver you a cool green bag, then remind you when your driver is coming to exchange your full cool green bag with an empty one for next time. That’s it!
Don’t have a full bag? Click here for what the Food Pantry is hoping to stock now
Other ways to help:
- Share food: Ask for a cool, green bag. We estimate that for every 300 people who participate, we will collect one additional ton of food a month for your neighbors in need. It all starts with you.
- Drive – to pickup bags in your neighborhood. Once every two months, on a Saturday morning (roughly 8AM – 10AM), drive to pick up the green bags and bring to the food pantry at Town Hall.
- Sort food.- When our driver volunteers bring full bags to the Food Pantry, we need to check expiration dates, sort and shelve. A couple hours on a Saturday morning on a fun helpful team, (Check out the energy in this picture to the right)
If you help local organizations financially, we hope you’ll think of A Simple Gesture – Norwell, too, and donate to defray some of our expenses. See our local sponsors who helped make this whole project possible, including most recently the Women’s Club of Norwell. If you would like to set up a Simple Gesture in YOUR town, it’s easy: here’s our timetable on how we did it in about 9 months from concept to first pickup.